
(100-word flash fiction)

The rain battered the roof sounding like dancing skeletons. Or machine-gun fire. Both reminded him of Afghanistan.

Behind his closed sleepless eyelids rose images of families huddled in shacks, hiding their daughters, their young sons. Their once-proud brows shrunken by war and poverty. Their once erect backs, bent.

Only young Iqbal was different. Orphaned, rudderless, hanging around the camp doing odd jobs, immune to the horrors, always smiling, as though he, impossibly, saw only light everywhere.

For him, the war ended when Iqbal was found dead, hit by a stray American bullet.

Collateral damage, they said. Bloody murder, he thought.


Ah! Wednesday night and we all gather around the Friday Fictioneers fire, led by our ablest Girl Guide Rochelle 🙂

Photo prompt –

PHOTO PROMPT © J Hardy Carroll

40 comments on “Iqbal

  1. Dear Joyful,

    In one of my favorite shows of all time, MASH, Hawkeye, a surgeon in an army hospital made the comment that war was worse than Hell, because in Hell there are no innocent bystanders. Well written and tragic.



  2. This abandoned factory seems to have spoken to a lot of the writers in a very similar way. A sense of abandonment or escape from horror, or a place to meet horror.

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