The whirr of wheels

(100-word flash fiction)

She awoke to the whirring of wheels. And the squeals of children’s laughter.

First it was her brother’s bicycle, old and tired, whirring as though gasping for breath. Then, the brazen brassiness of her cousin’s brand new bike.

The thin, tinny whirr surely was the postman. Followed soon by Lassie’s bark, as she thudded across the grass, brave and annoyed.

Her own bike, with no whirr, just a bumpy clack-clack.

Then, the firecracker crack of the collision.

She heard all that just as clearly as she had heard them twenty years ago.

They were the last sounds she had heard.


Today’s photo prompt is so intriguing, maybe because I like shadows, but strangely enough no story presented itself. I had to wrest something from the Muse who, I think, does not wish to be disturbed in its musing. But here it is, the weekly flash fiction fix orchestrated by the indomitable Rochelle. If only all addictions were just as pleasant and good for health 🙂

Photo prompt –

PHOTO PROMPT © Jellico’s Stationhouse