the dancing moonbeams

The night is awash

in the aftermath of rain.

Fragrant breezes,

glistening leaves,

an earth that sighs a benediction.

The moon is full,

and moonbeams dance playful

on shimmering waters.

A lone bird calls,

calls again

and stops,

as if to listen to the silence.

Fireflies float by

gliding on the fragrant air.

As moonbeams skip and slide

on glowing waters.

The valley is still,

the fields are asleep,

the earth lies rain-soaked

and fragrant.

Waters tumble down hillsides,

gather in streams,

and moonbeams ride laughing

on warbling waters.

In the silvery silence

all dissolves,

earth, sky and space.

Even I.

Only the soul exults, joyous

playful, blissful,

with the dancing moonbeams

on silvery waters,


One comment on “the dancing moonbeams

C'mon, don't be a silent spectator ....