NaPoWriMo 26 – Kennings

For day 26, some kennings. Bjorn at the Imaginary Garden with Real Toads presented the concept of Kennings. Or compound noun combinations.

My impromptu attempt 🙂


A leaf-fall. A leaf

falls on to the forest floor.

Beyond that, silence.


A heart-knock. Someone

knocks on my heart boarded up.

Beyond that, silence.


A tune-lilt. Lilting

tunes slowly take me apart.

Beyond that, silence.


A death-wish. Dying

to the past my only wish.

Beyond that, silence.


Canvas of Failure – haiku

Over at the Imaginary Garden with Real Toads the challenge is to do ekphrastic poetry. Ekphrasis comes from Greek and means to use a description of art (the poem) as a rhetorical or imaginative description. With just a single piece of art, the challenge is to find a poem that does not just describe the painting, but how it speaks to me, what stories I find in it.


Artist in his Studio by Rembrandt

Tongue-in-cheek haiku

Ugh! Did I paint that?
What was I thinking? Oh hell!
There goes my contract.


Plain old haiku

Decay seeped from walls
deep into his heart spaces
A desert canvas
