Happy New Year

(100-word flash fiction)

“’Night”, she says, mechanically.

His ‘goodnight’ is equally lacklustre. Backs facing, they turn off their bed-lamps and pull up the bedcover, a valley forming between their bodies.

Their phones ping simultaneously. Under the covers, similar videos flash on their screens. Grinning faces among a crowd counting down to a descending lighted ball. A loud roar erupts as the lights proclaim “HAPPY NEW YEAR”

“Missing you …” flashes on her phone.

“Wish you were here.” His phone pines.

“Happy New Year, darling.” She reads.

“Hopefully together this year.” He nods.

Their turned-away faces are alight like Times Square. The valley remains.


Hope you all survived Christmas 🙂 Wishing everyone a wonderful New Year. Thanks Rochelle for yet another year of wonderful hosting of Friday Fictioneers.

Photo prompt –

PHOTO PROMPT © Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

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