Creative February, Day 2 – To bee or not to bee

Today’s creative attempt is an haiga / haibun.
The bees have been extra busy around the beam stalks and everytime I go into the veggie patch to pick some veggies or take photos, I find a few buzzing around the bean flowers. Quite unafraid of humans. They’re very difficult to photograph, never alighting on a flower for more than a second, and all the bee photos I’ve got are blurry approximations of bees. Thanks to them, I’ve got a bumper crop of beans this year. We’re going to be eating beans for a long while ….
CF2_To bee
You could say I have a bee fetish 🙂

Waiting for the moon to rise


The azure horizon
is first lit up
by a white radiance
like a pale sunrise
or a sunset afterglow

I leave the drapes open
like a lovers’ signal
for a secret meeting
gazing out the window
shiny-eyed in anticipation

Clouds appear
silvery and succulent
like they have eaten the moon
are with bursting
with moonlight

An advance party
a nebulous cavalcade
pulling up the moon
from the pit of the horizon
on wispy reins

I grow impatient,
after all the moon is revolving
at this crazy speed
and yet it makes me
wait and wait

But all good things in life
take their time
when I look up there it is
all bashful, borrowed light
limpid, liquid smile

pouring into me
I understand now
why the seas heave
their forever sighs

